The Time for Liberty
The economy, health care, war and many other issues directly and seriously impact the lives of each and every one of us. Now is the time to consider new ideas – ideas that have been all but shut out of the political process and the media until recently.
Bob Barr’s Presidential campaign is bringing these ideas to America. These ideas all focus on one concept – liberty. I’m not referring to “liberty” as merely a romantic concept to be thought of in philosophical terms but as a real, practical solution to the problems facing America and her people today.
We must decide what the very role of government is in America and that role affects every one of the issues I’ve mentioned above.
Among the most crucial aspects to deciding the role of government in America is deciding whether we will reign in an out of control effort that deprives us all of our personal right to privacy. Since 9-11, the federal government has shown nothing but contempt for our individual liberties and has told us we must give up some of our most basic freedoms and our privacy in the name of security.
This video shows Bob Barr’s viewpoint – one that I have promoted for years in my writings, speeches and activism – the view that freedom is indivisible. A government that does not respect our rights in the airport will not respect our rights at home.
Federal agents have no more right to demand warrantless searches of our briefcases and demand to place their hands on our bodies with no probable cause than they have to tap into our phone calls and email.
What does this have to do with the economy and other issues?
The same mindset that demands unquestioned access to your body can more easily demand access to your electronic banking, medical, phone and other records or information. It is the same mindset that demands more of your income in economy-killing taxes and socialist-inspired spending.
Former Congressman Bob Barr is the only candidate in the race for President of the United States who understands that returning America to a place of economic strength and a higher quality of life for all can only be accomplished by returning America to the mindset that respects – cherishes – freedom at a very personal level.
The time for Liberty is now. Enjoy this video from the Bob Barr Presidential Committee.
Learn more about Bob Barr at
Mike Ferguson is the National Field Director for the Bob Barr for President campaign. He lives in Grandview, MO.
[Watch the video]