Lakeland and Kansas City - the Connections
Lakeland Revival: Todd Bentley, Bob Jones, and some things to consider
Let me begin by saying, in the last few days I’ve received some pretty nasty letters from those who were angry with me for posting some of the teachings of Todd Bentley; why? Because they believe this revival and Todd Bentley’s teachings are from God. I’ll respond now to those letter with this: In my 28 years of serving the Lord I’ve learned this: its better to obey God then man, and from Man I have nothing to fear, but from God I have much to answer for if I fail to obey.
moving on…
Below I’d like to just present a few links, quotes, and things to consider on the subject of this so-called Angel called ‘Emma’ and this revival with the understanding that what is posted will most likely not change the minds of those who are defending this man’s visions or ‘Angel sightings’…but, nevertheless I’ll obey the Lord. I feel this is important mainly because at least (2) well know Christian leaders and/or Org. are now promoting this highly: one is Lee Grady of Charisma magazine the other the CBN network.
Lets begin with Todd’s own words:
“Now let me talk about an angelic experience with Emma. Twice Bob Jones asked me about this angel that was in Kansas City in 1980: “Todd, have you ever seen the angel by the name of Emma?” He asked me as if he expected that this angel was appearing to me. Surprised, I said, “Bob, who is Emma?” He told me that Emma was the angel that helped birth and start the whole prophetic movement in Kansas City in the 1980s. She was a mothering-type angel that helped nurture the prophetic as it broke out. Within a few weeks of Bob asking me about Emma, I was in a service in Beulah, North Dakota. In the middle of the service I was in conversation with Ivan and another person when in walks Emma. As I stared at the angel with open eyes, the Lord said, “Here’s Emma.” I’m not kidding. She floated a couple of inches off the floor. It was almost like Kathryn Khulman in those old videos when she wore a white dress and looked like she was gliding across the platform. Emma appeared beautiful and young-about 22 years old-but she was old at the same time. She seemed to carry the wisdom, virtue and grace of Proverbs 31 on her life.
She glided into the room, emitting brilliant light and colors. Emma carried these bags and began pulling gold out of them. Then, as she walked up and down the aisles of the church, she began putting gold dustThe Lord answered: “She is releasing the gold, which is both the revelation and the financial breakthrough that I am bringing into this church. I want you to prophecy that Emma showed up in this service-the same angel that appeared in Kansas city-as a sign that I am endorsing and releasing a prophetic spirit in the church.” on people. “God, what is happening?” I asked. (courtesy of endtimes prophectic words)
I’m not going to comment on the entire content of this, having already done so in other posts, but want to say a few words on the bolded sentences:
Bob Jones mentions the Angel ‘Emma’ to Todd…telling him this same Angel appeared in Kansas city in 1980: this was 3 years prior to Bob Jones formally joining up with the Kansas City Prophets, (see KCP: The Roots of the Revival by Tricia Tillin) and that it was this Angel which helped to birth the Prophetic movement in the 80’s; (The Kansas City Prophets)
Thanks for writing this.
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