Lessons In Liberty
Support our campaign efforts by being the first to purchase a copy of Bob Barr's new book Lessons in Liberty.
As a gift for a contribution of $25 or more, you'll receive a copy of the new campaign book that explains the importance of our Constitution and our inherent rights.
A greater donation will help Bob Barr's efforts in pivotal battle ground states.
With your donation, you will also receive a complimentary e-version of the book as the printed book is shipped to you.
As a gift for a contribution of $25 or more, you'll receive a copy of the new campaign book that explains the importance of our Constitution and our inherent rights.
A greater donation will help Bob Barr's efforts in pivotal battle ground states.
With your donation, you will also receive a complimentary e-version of the book as the printed book is shipped to you.
Please choose your contribution level below:
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